1.1 Why are you hosting on Udemy?

Udemy serves as an ideal platform for hosting courses due to its comprehensive infrastructure tailored for educators. It provides a predefined space specifically designed to facilitate the creation and dissemination of courses to a vast audience.

With a suite of tools readily available, Udemy empowers creators by offering everything needed to develop and offer courses seamlessly. Additionally, there are instances where Udemy assists in promotional efforts on behalf of instructors, although this is less frequent.

Leveraging Udemy's established student base also grants us access to a wide audience eager to engage and learn. Hosting on Udemy ensures a streamlined process from course creation to reaching a diverse group of learners, making it an advantageous platform for both educators and students alike.

1.2 Why do you have this website?

This stems from various factors. While Udemy used to actively promote courses, their promotional efforts have reduced over time. Additionally, their pricing structure is beyond my control, fluctuating regularly without my input.

1.2 Why are prices different on Udemy than here?

The prices offered on this website are most of the time lower than those on Udemy. While Udemy occasionally runs promotions where their prices match those found here, choosing to purchase through this website directly supports me as the instructor by allowing a smaller cut to be taken from Udemy compared a purchase through the Udemy's platform.

Udemy has been experimenting with new pricing engines, resulting in fluctuating prices that are beyond my control. These fluctuations often tend towards the higher end, varying not just by location but also by individual.

Unfortunately, I lack sufficient insights into how this new engine operates. However, through this website, I strive to maintain fair and consistent pricing despite these fluctuations, ensuring a more transparent and reasonable pricing structure for learners.

Opting to purchase courses directly from this website not only offers potential savings but also ensures a more direct support for the trainer's work.

1.3 How can I get the best price for your course?

Discounts and coupons for courses can be obtained through the links featured on the front page.

However, it's important to note that these coupons have a limited validity, so they must be used within the specified timeframe.

1.5 What is the level of pre-knowledge required?

The courses try to be as easy to digest as possible on the topics presented. While they are considered 'beginners' courses to work in the industry, they are mot to be confused with 'absolute' beginners courses on electronics or computer science.

Understanding source code, basic boolean algebra and familiarity working with specifications will help. Comparable courses are part of a Masters's Degree curriculum. A Bachelor's level understanding of Computer Science, Mathematics or Electrical Engineering is recommended.

1.6 Can I return the course if it is too diffult?

I offer a 30-day return policy for our courses. If you wish to request a refund, you can do so through Udemy within this timeframe.

In instances where you find yourself extremely frustrated or disappointed with the course content, I encourage you to seek a refund rather than leaving negative comments or low ratings. Our community is small, and we aim to preserve a positive learning environment for serious learners.

Creating these courses is a time-intensive endeavor that I undertake in my spare time. While I am an seasoned industry professional with many years of design, development and management experience, I'm not a professional course creator. It's common for some students to underestimate the course's difficulty level, leading to understandable frustration.

However, due to the nature of these courses involving the construction of safety-relevant systems, a certain level of detail and accuracy based for the presented network protocols is necessary. I recognize the challenges and strive to provide a comprehensive learning experience, but I also acknowledge the need for dedication and precision in this specialized content.

If the course doesn't meet your expectations, please consider utilizing the return policy rather than leaving negative feedback. Conversely, I can assure you that if you work in the industry, you'll find valuable information here to help you succeed in your career.


What students are saying

When you have atleast basic knowledge about Electronics then this course is too good, Trust me I saw so many videos throughout the year but the contain and knowledge is given in this video is superb.

Sanket Manoj B.


Thanks for giving a comprehensive understanding of CAN protocol, Sir.

Chamarthi Siva R.


One of the best courses on CAN protocol. If you are new into automotive field this is highly recommended course for software developers/integrators/tester who wants to know how CAN works.

Ravi M.


Covered almost everything needed to get started with CAN..

Vijay A.


Great course, above my expectations. Author provided enough details but didn't make it complicated.

Nedo T.


Amazingly presented content!!

Phanidhar Kumar M.


One of the best classes I have ever attended. Detailed explanations and well planned lessons makes this class suitable for both new students or experienced professionals. Thank you Mr. Jankela.

Sergio C.


very good

El Hassan EL H.


Author is very clear on concepts, its a very practical course, useful for all embedded professionals. Though he provided coding under resources, I could not get the code from slide, its too small some times. I hope he does more courses. People who are doubtful about course content, I assure you this is the best practical course to start with for automotive networking.

Harsha A.


good experience



An in-depth course with many practical demonstrations!

Fabian E.


The training is excellent. The slides are very easy to understand and complex things are explained with help of relevant diagram. Good from basic to the level where we can independently work on LIN.

Soumya A S


good summary on the protocol

Frank S.
